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It’s the futility of existence. Fighting snails is fighting death itself. The snails always win.

I watched a couple of episodes of the early 70s anthology series Ghost Story/Circle of Fear on Youtube and it reminded me of Creepshow. Big names in the cast.

Feck weed is not worth the trouble.

I quit.

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Everybody do the Ham & Cheese. Everybody’s doing it.

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Hurricane Barry and by some miracle my power, internet, and AC have remained on so I have been marathoning Newhart on Youtube. Thank you, Mr. Uploader. Not over yet, knock on wood, with more nasty stuff coming with the back end of the storm.

Mine was also the Jaws boat scene. I was six and my uncle took me to see it. We fished a lot on the coast and I was terrified of sharks for years afterward. I kept thinking I would hook something big, be pulled overboard, and get eaten.

Poopy pants phase was the best phase. And that walk that went with it.


Yes, I found a nice HD version of They Might Be Giants on Youtube kind of by accident at the end of last year and liked it a lot. Good cast. Good 70s New York locations.

The 1976 Larry Hagman Sherlock Holmes TV movie, The Return of the World’s Greatest Detective. Found on Youtube. I always like the Holmes comedies. Coach from Cheers is in it too. There is a 1987 TV movie and failed pilot with Margaret Colin as Watson called The Return of Sherlock Holmes that is also on Youtube. It’s

There you go and it’s good to know that that is not always the case. I did read something from a guy who was researching a book on the history of comedy, that Mr. Martin called him up and was helpful putting him in touch with other comedy writers. It’s the little people and the fans who usually get the brunt of these

Oh, no, I didn’t want to know that, I still watch Remington Steele. I had the same problem when I found out John Cusack was an asshole. Not John Cusack! But there you go. Never meet your heroes is what they say and it’s true.

Ha. Chevy has his own category all to himself.

Martin Freeman is the same way on set. Total dick to PAs and little people like that. That just makes it worse. The Gawker comment was from someone who was working at a banquet dinner or something in Los Angeles and Steve Martin went out of his way to be rude and obnoxious.

There were lots of those kinds of stories online. All following the same pattern from people working in the industry. An unpleasant person to deal with.