
@Dethzilla: i think my biggest issue was having to pay for comercials. the 24 hour after thing is in the works with alot of shows from nbc... as big as netflix is i'm sure theres going to be more jumping on that wagon.

I got on hulu plus when the beta was out but cancelled it durring the first month. I'm sure with all the TV series starting back up the fayalite going to be better, but is it really worth having on top of having netflix?

"but putting it onto only the bottom left corner of the iPad makes it seem a little more limited in scope."

@tedknaz: i had one years ago. i had 4 boards. standard explorer, WoW, unreal, and photoshop. the only one that i would say was truely useful was the PS one, it helped me learn all the hotkeys. i use some bluetooth logitech multimedia keyboard now. and as far as gaming i got a G13 and never looked back.

maybe it'll be everything the torch was supposed to be

ha, perfect timing for a dog video. i'm about to get my pup back from our trainer. he's been at obedience boot camp for 3 weeks now.

IF they took the hour worth of cutscenes from the game then made aditional scenes that tied them together (the battles but in full cgi like the cuts) then i'ld buy the DVD or bluray.

@Mike43110: i guess i should have said "the" and not "a" specific.

@Alfisted: depends on the press/ricer. i remember my mother used to make applesauce with a potato press... it passes!

UNITASKER! alton is going to hate this

@aec007: no... this device chimes at the boiling point. at sea level that mean 100c... but if you're at an altitude and need a specific temperature then device you are looking for is called a thermometer. good news is you can find plenty of those for less than $10.

read the wsj article, but didnt see why its being sold. anyone? just tired of making 750mil+ a year?

@ObiHaiv: sex sells. sure, i see where your going with kournikova... but what does that have to do with danica?!

my 7m old mutt love his tennisballs... thing is hes already too big for this bed since hes already about 50lb. i wounder how much the large breed one will cost, site says will be out at end of summer.

@Fait Accompli: my point was that its nothing new. between the old apple tv and the existing iOS4 products you can already do what the new apple tv does. i'm not saying use an iphone or ipod touch in its place... i would have just expected a little more out of the new one.

@Matt Lindley: looks like a double shot (if not trip) for espresso

wow seems everyone knows the work around mp3 - m4a - m4r ... maybe because its so well known apple is going to make it free in the next itunes update.

This is Alton Brown's DIY smoker (exactly) plus a tech add on.