
being you can you hook your iphone up to your tv and even stream netflix to it via 3g.... theres nothing special about this other then "its about time"!

so no netflix update for the older appletv... and no component out on the new appletv. well i'm SOL! yah... i'm still rocking a 720p in the living room. my game room has a 1080 plasma, but for watching cable theres no need... except i guess to plug in this $99 device. just give me my netflix and i'll be a happy camper.

so is duct tape part of the in game arsenal? what can you do with it?

hide it as a speaker.... sure.

notice the only image of someone touching it is the one where its not standing. sure this would be nice for watching a movie or something, but obviously it would be quite risky to use it as its grasped by the one corner.

images are heavily photoshopped... and poorly. look at the honeycomb partern, its just flat overlay on the white areas. lazy! and this just means the cosplay costume isnt all that great either.

anyone else having issues uploading and attaching their images?

just got home from seeing this. honestly its the best bad movie I've seen since kung pow. its cheese, on top of camp, on top of silly fun. it was incredibly tasteless but at no point did it seem like it was taking itself serious. nothing is worse than a bad horror movie that tries to hard. i usually wait to Netflix

this is why there are model aircraft fields. i have 4 within a hour and a half from where i live. my uncle is a huge enthusiast and owns a rc parts company. he used to be a rc pattern flyer but mostly does helis now (mostly around quarter scale). the only time i've seen people flying rc planes and helis have been on

@RsK: smaller ipad? i thought that was the iPhone 4. ha, i jest. sure the new one will be a bit smaller but i just consider it the new one.

i've been running a Patriot Torqx 128gb since last october ... the unit was nearly $400 at the time. I knew they would be coming down in price but I honestly just said screw it and made the jump.

theres not enough room in japan for 2 xbox men! to thunderdome! two men enter, one man leaves! two men enter, one man leaves!

dang it! i already beat Drawn to Life on the Wii!

sad thing is the majority of the people who need to read this, never will.

product of falling asleep playing cooking mama on your ipad and just doing something with that weird dream you just had.

this reminds me of one of my most prized possessions, my RCA video disc player. No, not laser disc, but the failed format of CED from the early 80s. My grandmother owned it previously. When I was young and visited her I would watch the movies on there over and over (of course wearing into them) because she didn't have

@Frank Grimes: ha! first thing i thought when i saw the pic was "highway to the danger zone!"

saw "part 2" and got excited... but this is the same as kyle posted the other day.

was rather quick and painless. used WinSCP to move the files and changes the permissions (a lot easier and more user friendly then using a terminal or anything). works well... just a couple annoyances: