
I hate to say it. Cause I know you want to see the silver lining of people. But honestly it’s not going to change, we’ve had plenty of time to change. A fucking millennia to make right all the issues and problems people have done, just by looking at history. It’s a battle where we eat each other. Due to our mindset

BDS supporters are a coalition that exists in a spectrum. There are many reasonable supporters who would like to see an end to the occupation and see BDS as a means of pressuring that. At the same time, there are elements of the BDS movement that openly support violence and elimination of Israel as a state. There have

Sing it with me, kids:

What does rhetoric look like that is anti-illegal-settlement without being anti-Semitic? I’m certainly not anti-Semitic, and I want to take action against Israel’s settlement policies. What does that protest look like if it doesn’t look like BDS?

Hatred for BDS is something I don’t get. They’re not committing terrorist attacks, they’re taking one of the most peaceful paths you can take. Why does my father talk about them like they’re a hate group? As a Jew, I’m a lot more worried about all the hate-mongers that Cheeto Mussolini has enabled. I think they’re a

or Cory Booker

as Democrats scramble to figure out 2020 there should be a bright flashing light at DNC headquarters that says “DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES NOMINATE ANDREW CUOMO”

You’ve obviously never been around a child for more than five minutes if you think what Newton did qualified as pouting and sulking.

“True professional” is a very subjective term. Now, you are clearly mad because you posted multiple things absolutely trashing a guy that you don’t even know. You really think you’re not coming off as mad? Also, where are you getting the information that the “NFL and all other sports leagues are so adamant that their

So Cam Newton is corrupting young people in your mind by being upset that he lost a football game? Why else are you this mad about it?

I saw your post before both your edits so I edited mine since then to reflect it.

Did you not even read the article you posted? It actually has a specific paragraph about athletes and how they shouldn’t be role models. Thanks for proving my point!

You should have checked the definition of “heard” before you responded. Now you just sound even dumber.

This is legitimately one of the stupidest things I have ever read on here. It’s not Cams fault that there are shitty people out there who let their children have role models that are football players. He doesn’t have to carry himself a certain way just to gain approval or live up to the standard set by those who have

When did Cam Newton said he was a role model to kids? Being nice to them and giving them footballs doesn’t make him a role model. You’re a shitty parent if you expect your child’s role model to be an NFL player. You inferring that he’s something he’s not does not prove your non existent point.

1. I’ve seen no one else post this same tweet. I posted it like 5 hours ago. You must be on here too much

EXACTLY. I just listened to an asshole on the radio pull this shit with the HOF. Everything Terrell Owens does is evidence of his poor character on and off the field. He shouldn’t get in. Brett Favre’s obvious flaws are evidence of how much he cares and his love of the game. When the host alluded to him sending dick

Yes, I work at FOX News

You have a supervisor for racism in your office?

Can I hang this is my racist supervisor’s office?