
Yes I stand by my moron comment because at no point in my post did I reference political party affiliation. You jumped without knowing what the fuck you were talking about in order to try and shit on me for being a democrat. Like I said the persecution complex on you is strong. Go bother someone else

Nice try moron. You can see that I made no distinction about political affiliation. So take your Tea Party persecution complex or whatever it is this week that you are whining about and move on.

Which doesn’t change the fact that the Bucks have a negligible-at-best impact on the economy of the region. The corporate money that would get spent on the Bucks would get spent elsewhere (Brewers, Admirals, cocaine dealers). The ticket dollars that would go to the Bucks would get spent elsewhere (Brewers, Packers

At least you’re honest about it and know the shit they use to justify it is made-up garbage.

That’s nice that you can try and believe that but it is patently false. i think you know that based on your statement about your tax dollars. You referencing the Time between budget signing and this money being granted feels like you might have been sarcastic in your first comment and I just missed it.

When you have a tax budget, and you remove $250 million from that budget, you are effectively taking it away from other things. Not sure why you can’t stand the line of thinking since he included a blue letter-link to a study that pretty much proved that public funding for stadiums doesn’t make their money back on the

The Bucks may be the main tenant to Bradley Center, but on average, Marquette draws more fans. Losing the Bucks wouldn’t ruin the Milwaukee economy. The Milwaukee City Budget is 1.5 BILLION dollars. The Milwaukee County Budget? 1.3 BILLION. The Bucks are, quite literally, a drop in the bucket of the overall economies


“I am happy to take money from everybody else to support my hobby.”

$250 that could go towards getting better teachers, more teachers, better schools, better public transportation and infrastructure, improved health care systems, money that could be used to attract new companies to Milwaukee...

I’m also a Wisconsin resident, and I agree with you. On a similar note, I would like the entire cast of Deadwood to come to my living room and give live nightly performances of my favorite episodes, and I think the state should finance it. I know it won’t benefit the state in any way to do this, but my personal

You should probably get used to the same billionaires you saw fit to give money to repeating the phrase “unqualified workforce” or “lack of quality candidates”.

That’s so awesome how they took 250 MILLION DOLLARS straight from public education and handed it over to a fucking basketball team. I’m erect from how awesome that is

You sir, are a moron.

You’re not an actual alum, Scott Walker.

Yes, to your pocket it’s probably not a big deal, but the collective amount is what you need to focus on. Take a few minutes to think about all the things a struggling city can do with $250 million motherfuckin dollars.

Costas is right—-it is a cynical exploitation/tabloid play, calculated to get the speech shared on BuzzFeed and Facebook and Twitter and Gawker Media’s array of sites. PR’s doing its job.

ESPN has used the “Arthur Ashe Award” effectively twice. Once for Jim Valvano, once for Stuart Scott. Market’s just a little tight

I don’t know Tom, I mean. I am afraid here at Deadspin to say what I think without repercussion. I mean, I get the ESPYs are just famewhoring anyways. I do think reasonable people (not necessarily just Bob Costas) have legit hesitations about hoisting Caitlyn up so unequivocally. I’m sorry :(

She looks like she’s in blackface.

That is the most atrocious contouring job I’ve ever seen.