
@The Squid: Gee, it's almost like there's more than one person writing articles for Gizmodo.

@Triborough: Out of curiosity what makes them idiots?

@rjdub: I play with mobile devices for a living. I hate the Galaxy Tab.

@eric273: IF only you could make your own somehow...

I wonder if this would work if the people volunteering for this kind of study were smart enough to know what a placebo is...

How fitting that these are for Blackberry, a device as dated as denim jackets.

@Timmy: Carbon Fiber handle.

@MaWeiTao: Sure they are, provided you look at them as an investment. You'll save money in the long run given how long they last. Heck, you can pass these things down to your children...

@MrSatyre: The movie was great; its greatness did not hinge on the plot.

@El Guano: Seriously. How can someone get so attached to a parasite? At least cats are fuzzy...

Saw it at midnight. The plot wasn't great, but it wasn't supposed to be. It was a good Sci-Fi flick with great visuals and some spectacular moments.

HP/Palm Myte Gyst Veer off a cliff at this rate.

I never would have guessed that there were people in this world who thought that pushing buttons instead of passing your finger through an imaginary plane was a serious problem "separating I and Thou".

@klyph: Only when your jokes are lame. They're thinning out the herd so that future generations of jokes are stronger and healthier.

Just tried it. This was the most objectionable image that came up. Whatever broke, they must have fixed it fast. Well, mostly. This image is still NSFW... or anywhere.

Just tried it. This was the most objectionable image that came up. Whatever broke, they must have fixed it fast. Well, mostly. This image is still NSFW... or anywhere.

Just tried it. Most objectionable image I got was this. They must have fixed it... mostly.