
@jamn: Did you miss the part where the scanners can't even detect common explosives like PETN if it's molded against your body?

Awesome article. Well, the potential for awesomeness is there at any rate. I look forward to the snippets to come!

@deciBels: You should see if your parents are willing to provide a free "bumper" case.

Sorry, I can't accept that a cat is a director until it manages to meow something that sounds like "Screw it, we'll fix it in post."

@brittanyrae: I know a lot of people got the torrent just so that they could notify people who's account info was compromised. Probably some nice person taking the time to give you a heads up.

@ianoo: They are emailing people who's accounts were compromised. I know several independents who got the torrent are doing so as well. Unfortunately there's a lot of emails on that list, and notifying everyone takes time.

@JonThomasDesigns: I know that several people were taking the time to go through the list of compromised accounts/pws/emails and email the victims individually to let them know.

The funny thing is, catching this guy is the kind of thing that some of the people who visit 4chan would normally be really good at. Too bad they site's collective resources have been crippled in the past couple days.

@battra92: Yes, obviously magic is fake as well. I'm not saying its not entertainment, but to call it "real" is somewhere between silly and stupid depending on your meaning.

Pretty sure my boss would fire someone for submitting an RFI, SOW, or SLA in this format.

@battra92: So by your standards, movies aren't fake either?

@ps61318: I do not think this was a harmless prank.

@SkyLab: The way the site is being vilified it was in need of some serious defense.

@oops_jo: Alright, let's say that you're right. Why stop with 4chan? Clearly we should shut down the internet in its entirety.

@philophile: There's a reason you typically don't try kids as adults. Also, I'm guessing your memories of your 16 year old self are colored by some pretty thick rose-colored glasses. ;)

@ps61318: Congratulations. You are a member of the rarest and luckiest subset of human beings on the planet, if everything you said about your upbringing is accurate.

Guys, please stop with the underhanded attacks on 4Chan. No matter what your stance is on this kid or on "hacktivism", neither is representative of what 4Chan actually is.

@oops_jo: Your conviction in your opinion is unwarranted considering how apparently misinformed you are.

@rewind: I meant that the action was similar, not the outcome.

@crazycaveman eats the whales: I'm not terribly familiar with the Dutch legal system, but I imagine being their equivalent of a convicted felon carries with it some pretty serious, lifelong implications.