@Gordonium has W blue sky lives: I didn't mean to imply that it was as harmless as throwing eggs, just that from the perpetrators perspective it's similar.
@Gordonium has W blue sky lives: I didn't mean to imply that it was as harmless as throwing eggs, just that from the perpetrators perspective it's similar.
@Luis Saravia: If everyone used the same proxy, sure. Remember, the traffic from one LOIC firing won't crash a server.
Guys, some important things to keep in mind here:
@cormack: Used correctly, relatively low risk (though still very illegal). Using it incorrectly? Do not pass go, do not collect $200, etc.
@jmcm: You just made me literally laugh out loud at work. On behalf of my bewildered cube-mates — Thank you.
@ps61318: Out of curiosity, how old are you?
@MifuneT: This kid made several crucial mistakes (in addition to committing a felony).
@meatbag_pussrocket: Also, older people typically know better than to fire off their LOIC solo. If its part of a much larger blast it generally destroys any logs of the attack. When you fire it solo, though, this happens.
Remember kids, this is what happens when you fire off you LOIC without it being part of a much larger, coordinated firing.
Looks like it's sized for two, side-by-side USB ports to me.
@OMG! KaZx: They should probably pass the feed to FleshBot instead...
Gizmodo: Not endorsing LOIC.*
@Vidikron: The apparent movement of objects caused by the camera moving slightly gets magnified the farther away the object is. Since he's just about the most distant reference point, he appears to move the most. The door frame also moves noticeably. The locker's movement (from the camera shifting, not the impact) is…
@Kakkoii: That's the camera shifting as the result of the blast wave. EVERYTHING shifts at that instant and we can still see the victim clearly when the shift takes place.
@ch3nd4wg: Camera shifting slightly in response to the pressure wave (which hits the camera before the guy is airborne).
@HammerheadFistpunch: Do you know a pressure wave when you see one?
@Vidikron: That't the camera moving a small amount as it slides back along the top of the locker, against the wall. Everything else moves as well, he's just the most noticeable reference point. It's a very quick movement, and yes, of course it coincides perfectly with the pressure wave.
@masterdingo: Actually, there is. You can see his reflection when he first gets knocked off his feet, but he is quickly knocked out of frame. Notice you can't see his reflection when he approaches until he is very close to the door. He gets blown out of this range very quickly.
@theose: Wrong. 100% wrong.
@gallahad: The camera DID shake. It didn't shake as much as some of the lockers because the lockers aren't attached to one another. You can clearly see individual columns rock more than their neighbors. Only the ones he actually struck moved dramatically, but even the one the camera was on shook. You can see reference…