
@DGTLHRT: That campaign would have reduced speeds by a lot more than 7 km/hr.

Currently reading through the series for the fourth time (reading it aloud to my GF, actually) and this has me absurdly excited.

@Go Vols!: I just go outside. But then, the people who pay $600 for the next "quick, easy fix" generally don't do either.

@CougarAries: True, assuming they can get enough people near the head of the supply chain to roll over, but that can be tricky if they're over seas.

@schall129: Yes, but it's going about finding them by going through and analyzing the entire distribution network.

@schall129: A while back a police department was asked about how they felt about smartphone apps that advised people of where DUI checkpoints and speedtraps were setup.

Interesting, very interesting. Unfortunately for them I'm guessing the source isn't sharing the material over public P2P networks.

He spoke on the condition of anonymity?

It might be really useful for people who have limited mobility.

@tande04: What about if the terrorists are using TATP? Does that method still work?

@tande04: Apparently you know something I don't. No sarcasm at all here. Please explain.

@tande04: Terrorists don't generally have access to sophisticated shape charges.

@kyre: It's last years model. Thing probably doesn't even support the latest OS release. I think I saw a few like it on Craigslist...

@Canon7D-Fanboy: Not really. I work in the industry. Even the best moulage, SFX makeup, and bio set dressing breaks down the second you actually examine them in the slightest.

@OtherTimes: You, sir or madame, have won a cookie. Feel free to claim it the next time you're in Los Angeles.

@Mobfob: Throw them into a pit of lye?

Windows Embedded Automotive 7

@AreWeThereYeti: How are you not free to do what you want? The article has ZERO to do with limiting personal freedoms.