
@alexLmx6: I'm sure they'll just taze the bomber and— oh.

Anyone else a little worried false positives and subsequent shooting deaths could be an issue?

@AreWeThereYeti: You're missing the point. You ARE free to do what you want with it. No one is going to come and confiscate your phone or pursue litigation if you alter it.

@Slinkytech: Which still ties into the Xbox Live system for achievement tracking, as do all games that release on both platforms.

@AreWeThereYeti: Or perhaps we can just see past the end of our toes. anyone actually paying that price?

@siwex80: That quote gets bandied about so much these days it's essentially its own freestanding joke.

@Barion: Right, silly me. I forgot that in typical Cyber-Punk settings (as in the real world) the corporations are at the mercy of the individual.

@DukeOfPwn: Yes, but it's mostly an all too common case of "I'm mad as hell, and I'm unhappy about the fact that I have no choice but to keep taking it— ...anymore..."

@CaptainJack: Majority shareholder is not the same thing as controlling interest.

@XanderCrews: DSL at my office never pings less than 500 ms to the servers 15 miles away in our data center.

@Walternate: I don't know, according to my Cyber-Punk Almanac companies like Comcast will be the first to make interplanetary travel and colonization a reality.

@CaptainJack: It's worth pointing out that NBC Universal doesn't actually own Hulu. They're just a stakeholder along with Fox and several other companies. If they did... well, this would basically be suicide for their merger plans.

@XanderCrews: The larger problem is the essential ISP monopoly that's going on. If you want true broadband (DSL need not apply) you're frequently limited to only one choice for your ISP depending on where you live.

@DukeOfPwn: Well sure, I mean thermodynamics states that eventually the universe will be a bleak, virtually featureless void after going through the eventual "heat-death".

Grey is the new black.

@RawlsRorty: Except that it isn't a consistent tendency. The paths tend to bend both ways.

@pmbaustin: It's not a circle. They use the term extremely loosely to indicate that they tend to curve and loop back.

@Alfisted: Except people don't walk in perfect circles. They use the term "circle" loosely to mean that we tend to turn and occasionally loop back.

The fact that this baffles people, researchers especially, has always baffled me.