
@Absent Blue: Honestly I'm more worried about the first time a terrorist stuffs the lining of his cast.

@Yazah: You're ignoring my premise.

@Yazah: Again, I'm not saying the policy is right. You're painting me in a fascist light here. Please understand:

Thanks Matt,

@Ender18: A warning label I wouldn't mind, but they're talking about banning them outright.

@Stem_Sell: If you're thinking this photog just happened to capture an elaborate training exercise we're conducting, that's clearly ludicrous.

@amp13: They changed that after I pointed it out. ;)

@Ender18: Other caffeinated alcoholic beverages:

@RDRR: I'm not too worried. People can mistakenly jump down my throat all they want. I'm just glad the article isn't as silly as it was. :)

@Ender18: So guns should be legal and available to everyone since they're only dangerous when combined with bullets, right?

People seriously overreact to this kind of thing. Caffeine and alcohol is nothing new.

@kylewilson: Fortunately Kyle (the author) picked up on that and changed the story.

@hawkeye18 is not from Iowa: Yes, I'm sure this 23 year old plane is top-secret. That's probably why they fly it out of a base that the public has relatively easy access to.

Um... no.

@paradox: It's not enough. Unless they have a thick tubular spine inside the device which would make the tablet itself significantly thicker, you're still going to see pretty ugly material failures.

The * on the title pic literally made me laugh out loud. Kudos. XD

This is a staggeringly bad idea. Let's forget the cost for a moment, and look at the problem with how they're proposing to use the material.

@Dås Bøøt: I lived about a block from the Wiltern theater between Wilton and Western on 7th. Word of advice, don't go running between 8 PM and 8 AM. ;)

@MifuneT: I lived in K Town for a year. In that time I was chased by a gang, mugged, and offered a freebie by a transvestite prostitute while out jogging. I was also routinely woken up by a police helicopter shining their light in my window for extended periods of time.