
@Dås Bøøt: Hey now, LA drivers are simultaneously some of the best and worst drivers in the world.

[] to vote, video should be on the first page. Same thumbnail as the video in the article.

Are we sure those earbuds are designed for human ears? I- I don't think my ears are shaped like that...

@SkipErnst: Actually, we do know how life could have started here.

@Scarbane: I don't think there's a magic number that guarentees you a star. In fact, I'm guessing there are people out there who toil in unstarred obscurity while writing tons of very clever things far better than what some of us "Star" commentators have written.

@Scarbane: Already got my star, thanks though. ;)

When did Ikea start selling buildings?

This is brilliant.

If this is anything like the Veriface software that Lenovo bundled with my laptop.... No.

@Bharat Raghu: Yeah but after watching this I'm sure it won't be the right guy.

@SkipErnst: I disagree. I think crushing power equipment causing a widespread outtage and bringing possibly still live wires down on a group of children is far worse.

@unibrow4o9: Right, so you would refer to someone as a "man with blindness" and not a "blind man"?

Great post. My day just got a little bit brighter, and somehow I love technology just a little bit more.

@geolemon: You're right, but only to a point. True, the iPad isn't as exactly portable. Neither is this.

While guys everywhere would love to have a 7" bulge in their pants, they don't want it in their pocket.