On a serious note, this method seems to rely on having two cleared "alleys" on either side of the space where you're searching for mines.
On a serious note, this method seems to rely on having two cleared "alleys" on either side of the space where you're searching for mines.
Hey Gerald, who's the camera man? I think I know him, friend of a friend through the LA parkour and stunt scene...
@MercerCh00x: Suddenly I have the urge to dress in vaguely futuristic armor, storm into a crowded, smoke-filled room, and roll some of these light mines across the floor while shouting unintelligibly...
You think Tom's brave? How about the guy in the top right of the frame? The one clinging to the side of the building WITHOUT a rope?
@dannkherb: A typo?! Not on MY internet...
This confuses me.
@TaliaBurlington: I've never run across a time limit to comply in trespassing legislation. He was taking the fastest, safest route off their property from where he was when he was asked to leave (if they troubled to).
@TaliaBurlington: In most cases, he isn't. Even if he is, what do
@TaliaBurlington: The trespassing laws in California are pretty
This man is one of my heroes. I just wish the laws used in most
@Rick Lyon: Perhaps, but as anyone who's ever been "accidentally"
I see a lot of broken iPhone's in the future...
@pixelsnader: It's just that they wanted a slim form factor, which required that the boards be longer. There's a lot going on inside the kinect before it talks to your console.
@maxijet: Oh yeah, it's very weird that they didn't reopen it. I bet tons of people were waiting to hop on this roller coaster as soon as it dried off...
@drac-u-lala: Bingo. Also, to actually knock it off course or blow it apart so that it doesn't reform (gravity is a harsh mistress) you'd have to use more than a few nukes. And if any remaining chunk of that rock does make it through, grats. Tons of hard radiation scattered across the globe.
@gerrycomo: Pffft. eBooks are totally in the public domain. Victory is mine!
@lizon: Right, because the only way to make a massive impact event more interesting is to make sure that a significant amount of the debris thrown up into the atmosphere is giving off hard radiation.
@theimmc: What a great post, I'm going to use it as the title of my next book!
Light Peak is sounding an awful lot like Fire Wire.