
@lizon: No, we're just going to make it angry. Destroying an asteroid is kind of difficult when they're over a mile in length.

@The Squid: It isn't really meant for that. It's a six axis input device.

@FriarNurgle: Fortunately your boss will be able to restore the backup copy of you they'll have on file.

@bainelaker: Sure it was her? There's at least one other gorgeous girl in LA who was rocking this costume and a hot pixie cut. ;)

My GF made almost the same costume, but hers had glowy bits on the sleeves as well.

@empmaximus: Her shoulder isn't "back" there's a bulge in the middle of her back that's part of her costume.

@Asraiil: In the interest of showing off her handiwork, I present to you a strategically cropped image of her on the dance floor Saturday night.

You think this poster is whetting your appetites? My GF dressed up as the girl from Tron for Halloween, complete with Electro-luminescent tape. This movie needs to come out. Immediately if not sooner.

@CaptainJack: Putting "Parody" in the title doesn't necessarily make it so. They're banking on the notoriety of the IP to sell a commercial product.

So... Big Brother just got a job at an ad firm?

So that's where they shot all that Blade Runner B-roll...

@Samurai I-am-awry: I suppose there were no traffic lights between points A and B?

@psychiccheese: Two weeks ago I fell 25 feet (7.6m) tore some ligaments in my knee, and couldn't afford to get it looked at by a doctor since we don't have universal health care down here.

Damn, and here I thought I'd committed the perfect crime!

@Weakskills: Shhhh. Logic has no place in this discussion. If you use your brain it means the terrorists won. :o

Right, because the trigger mechanism is the problem, not the explosives.

@RabidTurtl: We don't know that he meant to pull the trigger. Homemade firearms are notorious for accidental discharge. I'm guessing that if he meant to shoot him he wouldn't have troubled to jump onto the motorcycle in the first place.

@Spectacles: Not really. He dun goofed. That's about it. We don't even know if he shot him intentionally.

@Svirfneblin: You are in the minority, then. People involved in "righteous kills" are generally celebrated.