@Drive-by troll: Real easy to pass judgment from an arm chair, isn't it?
@Drive-by troll: Real easy to pass judgment from an arm chair, isn't it?
@Svirfneblin: It's easy to make judgments and condemn his actions from an arm chair. Try to put yourself in his shoes.
@Svirfneblin: Did you miss the part where gunmen on motorcycles are common in the area? He probably thought he was being a hero. Yes, he made a mistake. Yes, what he did was wrong, but he did it with good intentions.
Wow... just wow. This is tragic in every way imagine able. It's difficult to even be upset with the watchman who was just trying to do a good job and whose life is now unquestionably ruined.
Damn it! Canada also got Defying Gravity when ABC decided they were done with it.
@Solid2TheSnake: Free is working for Riot and their game, League of Legends. Microtransactions are the future.
@dave10593: Did you miss the part where a prominent Chinese news paper already carried the story? I really doubt that Gizmodo will be responsible for alerting the authorities...
@The Werewolf: Why aren't all the gadgets I purchased on this list? I demand to have my decisions validated! Also, I'd like some ice cream.
@Settings: Sorry if I came off as overly morbid or foreboding. I was trying to convey my point in a pithy one liner.
@Phouka: Pffft. Entropy isn't what it used to be.
@Settings: I hope they use a nice typeface on your tombstone some day.
@tineras: "That's silly."
@Bluecold: Then you're clearly schizophrenic.
The Panasonic exclusion makes sense. People who own Panasonic cameras don't actually take pictures.
What's with all the "hipster" hate hanging in the air?
@Settings: Life is risk. Life is passion. If you have no passion worth risking your life, why are you alive?
@Neopolis: Unfortunately there is no such thing as purely objective political coverage anymore, if ever there was. Media bias and slant are at least as old as the concept of media.
@Neopolis: Yeah, if only Gizmodo were as Fair and Balanced as Fox News....
@lnterestlng: I'm tempted to flag this as trolling, because I honestly can't believe that anyone who reads a gadget blog could be this uneducated...
@Snapper: Well yeah, he cares about science. Obviously he isn't a Republican.