
@Neopolis: To be fair, he implied he cares about science. That's basically the same thing as saying you aren't a Republican outright.


@qingdom: Click the source link. There's hilarity on the other side, I promise.

@kagekiri: The League of Legends model that Riot uses is pretty clever, though.

@Nivenus: Mandate training with purchase in the US, then. That's far more reasonable than banning them, in my opinion.

@Jack Skitt: And Switzerland manages just fine where guns are borderline mandated. Your point?

@CandyBacon: Right, because if guns had been illegal the sheer amount of idiocy and neglect necessary to make this incident possible wouldn't have manifested in some other way.

@blash: Sure it does. Fire kills. No sane person would want fire in their home. Do you know where your children are? They could be on fire RIGHT NOW.

@nuclearbalm: Oblivion was a terrible game. Don't defend it. The "auto-scaling" which made walking into the final encounter as dangerous as walking into the first dungeon you visited when you left that sewer was the dumbest thing to happen to video games since someone half-finished coding sidekicks in Daikatana.

@kyre: The alcohol content varies state to state. It's only 6% in Indiana, for example, which makes one can of this the equivalent to two beers.

Wait, this is new?

@Mike43110: UTS is typically called TS. UTS just differentiates it from the Yield Stress since occasionally people will refer to that point as a materials tensile strength in applications where any permanent deformation is unacceptable.

@UFMetalEng: True, but that's leaving the realm of material properties and on to fun topics like Euler-Bernoulli beam dynamics and other fun bits of applied geometry.

@tegronin: Wow, good catch. I admit I'm running on very little sleep thanks to the tech expo my company is putting on next week.

When my office got a Logitech Revue with Google TV that I needed to put through its paces and review, I actually inserted our Apple TV into the Google TV box since I didn't have an HDMI cable drop handy.

Heh, no. Just no.

@kake81: Motorola makes one (made one?) that fits the bill perfectly. It's form factor resembles a razor but it's been ruggedized.

@medopal: Homework and cartoons cut into his bug hunting time. Ah, to be young again...