
@MifuneT: You go whip up a prototype. I'll see about getting some VC and marketing buzz....

@Hvedhrungr: Really? Did you set your toilet seat to "Legendary Difficulty" or something? Mine has a much larger hole in the middle...

"Hey Boss, still getting the hang of Photoshop, which drop shadow method should I use for the product mock-ups?"

I feel sorry for the first sys admin who's system gets hacked so that keywords like "the" or "is" are flagged.

Anyone else just amazed that this is patentable?

@Rhinostic: Exactly. It's not like any of this is new. Using it as an excuse to milk a franchise is the problem, not the technology itself.

@Caeruleas: Alright, but I hope you take your "real stunts" without color correction, compositing, or chroma key.

Now we just need to get him to mix up his Nintendo with a high-speed blender and the world will be a better place.

@Geisrud: We still have some of those in the office where I work. .

@RuckingFetard: Don't worry, it already has. There's no way it could do it again.

Shouldn't these be vaguely foot shaped? o_O

Prediction: First person to get run over by one of these things when someone runs from a trike-cop is going to sue the city and win a lot of money.

LA skies are so much worse than even the "inner city" sky it's depressing.

@Luke Ma: Interesting. I've read elsewhere that the $25 is purely for the service and that it uses an existing connection. They cited great results with Verizon's fiber based FiOs service.

Does that $25 a month cover some kind of service line? I'm pretty confident my crappy Time Warner Cable "Turbo" connection can't pump 1080 or even 720P upstream.

@genesic: For anyone wondering, nanotubes can be viewed as either being a 1D material or a 2D material depending on the application and context.

@synchronicityii: No and no. I was going to write "Yes and no" but realized that it's actually wrong in both instances.

@Maori_Yelir: People love to correct articles. They really should think twice before trying to correct Nobel prize winners, however...