Yes everyone, atoms have thickness. You passed high school chemistry. Congratulations.
Yes everyone, atoms have thickness. You passed high school chemistry. Congratulations.
@Snes: I wish I could believe that. I really do.
Yes everyone, a hexagon has six sides. Very good. You pass basic geometry.
@WestwoodDenizen: Two dimensional in the sense that the lattice and all bonds occur in a single plane.
@walkingagh: Yes, the same way pencils come with warning labels today.
@icelight: Makes sense. This is what I get for relying on a cartoon Tyrannosaurus Rex for knowledge of rocket science.
Call me when they build a Maglev Trainicopter. XD
No physical keyboard? Interesting. Too bad they have no physical fan-base either.
A lot of people are saying "Why not trust a locksmith to tell you about locks? Derrr!"
@vinod1978: The trouble is that in general the people who know the most about the potential solutions are the ones selling the expensive ones.
Saying goodbye to all these guest artists is so hard. When Spratt goes I know he's going to take a piece of my soul with him, just like Powerpig is doing now. :(
@Switchyard Sullivan: Thanks, I'll check it out.
Very interesting. Might be time for me to dust off some of my old Nanowrimo projects.
Interesting. It seems so simple if not downright logical, but I still never expected such a discrepancy in shots.
I really want to break in at night with a pencil sharpener...
For those commenting on how unnecessary this sort of thing is, two things to keep in mind:
Very cool, and the DIY instructions are an added bonus. I know what I'm doing with my Sunday.
This chart reads staggeringly similar to the email I just fired off to my boss reviewing our device. XD
@Pill_Hell_Tom:No - no words. No words to describe it. Poetry! They should have starred a poet. So beautiful. So beautiful...