@Nitesh Singh: The interesting bit will be when cannibalism leads to heart attacks en masse as fat people eat each other and their cholesterol levels skyrocket.
@Nitesh Singh: The interesting bit will be when cannibalism leads to heart attacks en masse as fat people eat each other and their cholesterol levels skyrocket.
Let me consult my Cyberpunk Almanac.
@tomsomething: It's still guerrilla marketing either way. Astroturfing (as it's called in this instance) isn't exactly a new thing.
The funny thing is this sort of thing is actually very common. I know a lot of TV shows hire "professional" audiences to cheer and make things seem more exciting than they actually are.
@whatne1wuddo: Definitely, the design means the weight of the phone would constantly be torquing it out of your hand.
I can't help but notice that they didn't show the hinge side or the bottom when the keyboard is flipped closed. How big is this thing?
@robamb2002: Do you have a link to the study? Now I'm curious.
I really question the validity of the texting+driving statistics, especially in light of the other article here on Giz which presented an opposing view.
I think it really depends what kind of content these devices show.
@tumes: Oh come on now, don't be silly! That would be as ludicrous as selling hardware components that were artificially restricted and then selling separate unlock codes that let you fully use the hardware you already paid for.
@SQLGuru: Latitude, time of day, light pollution, and humidity will all have drastic effects on the readings as well.
I appreciate a lot of the design that went into this app, but I can't accept that they've labeled copy and paste distractions. It just seems... odd.
@osu11771: Ah, but does your app have a slider where untrained users can estimate the dogginess of the dog in the picture? That's crucial for the scientific calculations I'm told.
@irfan: Whoops, I missed that bit. I just used google image search to grab a photo. Hopefully I'm covered by fair use, but yes, I dun goofed. :(
Gizmodo sanitizes their comments, thankfully. I'm honestly amazed Twitter didn't. Such a huge oversight...
@loosejello: Don't think of this as a weapon, but more as a proof of concept.
If Apple's 30 pin connector is a guarded, proprietary technology then shouldn't every single iPod, iPhone, and iPad dock in existence suffer the same fate?
I'm thinking that all this really means is that the next version of AdBlock will come with the ability to autocomplete captchas.
How are they selling the SGC Stargate though? Universe is still running...