@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.2: You kidding? I'm sure they have assistants to handle that kind of thing.
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.2: You kidding? I'm sure they have assistants to handle that kind of thing.
Every once in a while I feel like my work in the tech sector is for naught, that ultimately all my contributions to society are frivolous at best.
One part of me wants thoroughly tested products and rigorous QA, but another, smaller part thinks we need a PETA for adorable robots...
@geekymitch: Justice is blind, and apparently a bit of a technophobe.
Is anyone else secretly hoping that the real reason for the mistrial wasn't that he used his smartphone but that he used Encarta?
@Sheldon J. Plankton: That's why he goes to Yahoo! Answers. Heck, that's the only reason why anyone who knows how to use Google properly goes there.
@WestwoodDenizen: The bevel/emboss and drop shadow make your brain try to predict it's apparent motion when you only see it through your peripheral vision. Think of it like a really weak version of this.
For anyone planning on getting the Ideapad, be careful. Installing the latest video drivers will cause a BSOD. Meanwhile the old drivers won't run quite a few games (including FFXIV) causing them to crash on launch.
Microsoft: "No altering the home screen! We want the Windows experience to be consistent!"
Did you say "Yahoo" three times to the mirror in the bathroom? Dammit Brian, some urban legends aren't worth testing out!
So Nokia basically decided to mashup Google Street view and Google SketchUup to make Google Earth?
Anyone else just relieved that he won't be on Xbox Live this weekend?
I was totally flabbergasted until I realized this was a Burning Man vehicle.
Its a novel idea, but I'm not seeing any practical (or even long-term artistic) applications for this sort of thing.
@MacAttack: Believe it or not, smoking in a confined space with restricted airflow is not the best idea.
@Zinger314: Bazinga?
@ThePr1nce: Hope you're ready to say it for at least another five.
@vinod1978: Microsoft did not pay anyone to do *THIS*. They paid them to be lawyers on retainer to fight legitimate cases of software piracy.
@vinod1978: Yes. I'm sure Microsoft also pays people to kick puppies and throw sacks full of kittens into the river.