
@applefandan: Remind me how much AT&T charges for unlimited plans these days?

I hear it prints sandwiches.

@Timmy: The one driving the boat has a top hat and monocle while the one on the bow is twirling his mustache between thumb and index finger.

@Michai: My personal favorite is probably 7:04 or 7:37. The shotgun pellets from 9:31 on are also pretty awesome.

@a_of: A high velocity round traveling at 2,800 feet per second looks like it takes close to a second to impact the target when played back at 30 frames per second. Lets assume the round is about an inch long.

@Purdueable: It's called AirPlay and it's coming.

I was on board till you got to the price point. $240 for a dock? Thanks Sony, but I'm good...

@Les Mikesell: It's tough to say since they don't explicitly state the pixel size or explain what can be considered a pixel in the image with the scale bar.

OK, who forgot to turn off their non-approved electronic devices?

@tw@t: Hey now, Monopoly is a great game to play with friends — provided you don't want to be friends with any of them at the end of the day.

@♫ Realityism ♪♫: Gotta love XKCD.

So the ground based sensor was faulty... are you telling me they don't have some kind of "Check Engine" light up there in the cockpit? Geez...

@G-Ram: I'm sad I only just found out. I just went grocery shopping tonight. Definitely would have bought a bag had I known.

@tineras: Yes, because CTS is exactly the same thing as being out of shape.

One of the big forces against time shifting and VOD becoming the staple is going to be synchronous content.

@Spatula: Gradual down hill slope for about 2-3 seconds then a sharp incline. You'll gain speed and get launched much higher than when you started (laws of physics be damned).

If you're curious to try the game before you buy it for your phone, a Flash version can be found in quite a few places online, including Kongregate.