
How about allowing us to just subscribe to a VODoIP service with mobile device connectivity being a bonus?

Aww, now I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

I'm sorry to inform you, Gizmodo, that I currently hold a patent for a method of conveying silly, patent related news via typeface.

@angstman: She used to sing as well.

Is anyone else REALLY disturbed that the camera operator decided to zoom out and not capture the details of what was happening once he realized what the officer was doing?

A very significant number of marbles either got stuck or bounced out. This kind of ruins the effect for me.

So now when you drop your iDevice it will bounce a few dozen times, compounding the damage to the innards which can't withstand that kind of shock? Awesome!

@YouISee: I'm glad you agree that the ramifications of our "moral promiscuity" are great. :)

@Lord_Data ∞: Ok. But only because you asked so nicely...

And this is why software patents make my head hurt.

@PoG: A hooker with an Android phone? Never have I been so terrified by the concept of open sores.

I don't understand, what prevents a digital camera from capturing that kind of clarity? Isn't this more a product of the lens than the "sensor"? o_O

@DfizzleShizzle: Mmm, it has been a while since Bahrain executed Yeshiwork Zewdu by stoning. I mean, that incident is almost as old as the Euro.

@YouISee: That's rather irrelevant to my comment.

In a region where they stone you to death for adultery, I would hesitate to call anything "unenforceable"...

I can see nothing wrong with subjecting a new born baby to high G-Forces. Kid will grow up to be an astronaut I bet.

Google is denying this, FYI.

Google is denying this, FYI.