
“NASA would like to thank our collaborators at Harbor Freight for their invaluable contributions to this effort”

It’s because uber/lyft drivers have to wash their cars on an extremely regular basis. Many wash their cars every day, to look as clean as possible to maximize their ratings, and uber suggests they get car wash memberships for this purpose.

Between Oregon, at number one up 7,200 percent and Washington State (#2 with a 7,150 percent increase) the Pacific Northwest saw thefts increase altogether a whopping 14,350 percent.”

it’s a gully washer out there!

Teddy Dupay

speaking as someone who flies a lot, i always check this and i have literally never seen it cheaper to fly business or first than economy.

The truth is that Samsung is probably making a few thousand of these and that’s all.  it’s just a halo device for stage demos and tech sites to review

duh, sleeping on trains is the best

I almost killed Carrot Top the same way that dude almost took out Brees.

Rex Grossman was just too advanced for his time

“facing out is a big no” only no until the baby is physically ready.  our pediatrician gave us the thumbs up to face up at the 4 month checkup (but we waited a few more weeks).  She loves it 100x more than facing in and the whole experience is much more pleasant for everyone.


on the bright side, if the republicans are dumb enough to push this justice through with despite his obvious ethical and potentially criminal violations, that just provides a solid foundation for the future impeachment effort to throw him off the bench after the GOP loses their majority.

*Andy Bean and the Councilman (singular)

i think this is a simpsons plot

lol i love this line of thinking. If there were so many people in line behind them, why does Microsoft need to pay their employees so much and invest millions of dollars into hiring? Why do they have thousands of open positions posted on their job site?

Hell yeah, I flip on Autopilot, lean back and catch some Z’s. Makes the commute feel like nothing at all.

i want one of these swapped onto a tesla skateboard