
He finally was able to nail that 3

Go here to Planned Parenthood's donate page and select "Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri" to donate to those locations affected by this decision. In Kansas, Planned Parenthood has health centers in Wichita (largest city in Kansas) and Hays (city in the middle of a *very* rural area) and a comprehensive

Couldn't she hook her bike up to a rick shaw and work as a pedicab to raise the money? It would be a good use of her beloved bike and she would actually be working for money instead of begging.

Donate the ivory to a traveling exhibition on poaching. It could be a whole "Is it work it?" section. Also, establish traveling exhibition on poaching. I will design. You're welcome.

I'm embarrassed to live in Kansas. Brownback is worst thing to happen to us since the Dust Bowl. He's a fucking abomination. Just a pathetic excuse for a human being.

Gotta say, my favorite part was when the announcer called the fan "elderly." Being a fat, disorderly fuck from western Texas sure makes a guy look older.

Kenny deserves all the props for what he did. But kids shouldn't have to depend on random generosity. The safety net is being ripped apart, and that's wrong.

Yes, yes, yes! So much in your a statement that I wish could be printed in boldface on the cover of the New York Times until people got it. We have this bizarre cultural belief that being thin is automatically better.

/packs lunch

Wow, that 'hell of a game' actually did sound sincere. That surprised me.

What time is this match EST? And sadly, which day?

What a catastrophe

That's how I feel about this whole season. I want to see it through the end, but ack. I cringe through most of the episodes.

Don't forget to add that the episode itself was stupid and slow overall without the added lazy, Chinese stereotypes. I couldn't even finish watching it.

Nothing says "I've got too much time on my fucking hands" (forgive the pun), "I'm not 100% sure who my father is" or "No, I don't take my job that seriously so you probably shouldn't promote me" more than nail art.

And by "here," he means Wichita.

I love the walk-on (No. 14) who tears off his warmups for no apparent reason after racing onto the court.


SHOCKER, Alabama fans don't seem to have a mastery of the English language.

Dear everyone complaining about the unmade bed: