
I would like to point out that it was the vehicle being pursued that killed the two innocent people, NOT any of the pursuing law enforcement officers. Let’s put the blame for this TOTALLY where it is due - to the suspects driving the stolen vehicle. They should be charged with murder.

The guy should be put in jail for life or executed. That’s murder during commission of a crime. Once he assaulted the police he had to be arrested, that seems open and shut.

Actually they are probably doing the right thing, assuming someone called for help. If someone takes a literal nosedive into concrete they might have neck damage and should only be turned over by medical personnel.

Nah, Clarkson is in the wrong here.

Play stupid games win stupid prizes

All choices have consequences.

So your saying they are going to use one of these performance cars to preform pit maneuvers? I highly doubt that happens outside of incredible rare (see never) situations.

Mustang is obviously better, because rwd.

Ok seriously, does Hennessey own a small percentage of Gawker?