
"This f*ckin guy, am I right?"

I am so sorry

You Maniacs! You booted it up!

That WAS great, but to me the game sucked.

The only difference I see is $100.

Imagine a future where the government is broken. It's people have grown backbones and are rising up against it. The soldiers of this government's military refuses to fire upon their own citizens.

you mean cyberdyne

War never changes...

You think the people starting wars for profits care about the men and women sent into the frontlines? If anything advancements in technology will keep soldiers safer.

The Golf cart reminded me of Bad Company, that was a very fun game.

Must be why I like playing as Trevor, he shows iniative.

Well and he's hilarious.

Except when I buy a Playstation, it's my investment. I'm not being forced to subsidize everyone else having one.

Best not US born citizen Dictator we've ever had.

Impeach this console-loving monster.

He was referencing a metal festival in Baltimore MD? Cause the Wagner piece is called "Ride of the Valkyries".

You realise most subs are electric right? IC engines don't work too well underwater.

Nobody forced you to watch it.