
Have you ever seen that movie, "Jacob's Ladder"?

I like it. Im glad it doesn't have curves.

I want 3d Bluray.

Go ahead keep insulting JJ. Insult him all the way to the box office. LOL!

Except thats not a reflection of the Joker's face.

Ever hear of interns?

In America, Violence = Good. Sex = Bad.

Excuse me, but you got your Ecofascism in my video games.

I seem to remember reading somewhere that the pilot hated seeing his crash on tv every week.

Red Buttons standing by....

I just want a movie that takes place between 3 and 4. When Vader is kicking ass.

What a classy headline. Now I remember why I don't visit this site as much these days.

The Jacko one is brilliant.

It's only 28". I use my 50" as a monitor and it looks great.

Yeah those evil republicans, right?


I hate to say it, but Cosmos really sucks. Ive never seen Neil Tyson gesticulate so much. Also, being talked to like a third grader gets old quick.

Popcorn, thats what.

This is disappointing, and that "offer" sucks.

The Road Warrior.