

Justin isn't that bad. It could have been worse:

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Someone already posted the punchline. Thanks anyway.

The level of self entitlement among some Kotaku readers is absolutely staggering.

got one of these yesterday at work. Its so small!

I'm sure. Anyway, I actually bothered to look at that pic. yeah i didn't notice the guy balancing on one leg like that. Haha….obviously a composite. Funny though.

get a dog.

Do they live together? If not, game on. Pretend he doesn't exist.

"Insane"? Saving lives is insane now. Ok.

Have you ever even used PS?

Still whining about it?

I love the fact that so many of you are socially inept.

2 different colored eyes. Like Bowie.

I love the whole, "if it came out before i was born, i am ignorant to it" mentality. No. Not really.

hey, however you want to rationalize it.

Scary nuclear power…keep buying foreign oil.

how on Earth were you able to do without for 3 whole months?