
What a trashy comment.

Getting crushed int he submersible was the first thing i did with it. "how deep does this thing go?"

I cut out the middle-man, and just send everything straight to the NSA.

i didn't play much as Franklin because he is total trash.

War never solved anything...

President of what?

Ahhh..not only did someone beat me to post that pic, you beat me to saying, "The Ayatollah of Rock n Rolla" Great minds.

" like it's the world's biggest peel-and-eat shrimp." HAHA!

oh i bothered you that much did i?

oh i bothered you that much did i?

Except you dont get fined out the azz if you dont buy a Playstation™

No, they don't.

so what are you nerds going to cry about next?

like yeah like really dumb or like something...derrrrrrrrrr

happens to the best of us.

so in other words, you're mad because its not out on pc... so none of us should read articles about it? ok got it.


then dont fucking read them you little nazi

Yes there is! Get an old headset. Plug it in. Cut the wire with scissors. I swear this is what i use. I call it the Mute Puck.

if you change to Free Aim in SP, you will be dropped into free aim only servers online. The people are much more well behaved, and hardly any kids. Try it.