
Haha! I finally finished the single player a couple weeks ago....I was bored. Very.

I did the same thing, except with Dead or Alive: Extreme Beach Volleyball 2

Cry all you want. Im still buying one on launch day. Does that make you mad?

The Road Warrior invented Post-Apocalyptic Fashion.

Some of us only buy new games! Derp!

seriously? im offended that you have to even ask.

except for that part where i get a free game ive never played.

Leave it to whiney gamers to bitch about free shit. Talk about "entitled"?

me too!

they care about money.

...and you're a dick.

I had a 77 Celica GT. That thing was a tank. It would not die. It didn't look like that, but it did have those kick-ass side louvres

Thats Doable!

"liquid black" what a crock. Its probably just "rich black" which is black plus all of the other colors they have laying around mixed together...rather than just black. (c0m0y0k100 vs c100m100y100k100). Whatever kind of black it is, I still have not decided on it.

Thank you for insulting me based on my views. Thats not very tolerant.

he was a republican in the house, yeah so was charlie crist.

already sick of this kid.

an apparently you can discuss it without being an asshole.

far right wha???? but obama....2 terms......nevermind.