While the direct comparison between ford and tesla stock is not a good one, Tesla’s stock is often considered massively over valued, which means a bad move and it could easily plummet.
While the direct comparison between ford and tesla stock is not a good one, Tesla’s stock is often considered massively over valued, which means a bad move and it could easily plummet.
If the vehicle they were in was that renegade then I’m pretty sure the electronic parking brake will auto release in drive, I also believe newer fiat/chrysler products will not shutoff the ignition if you hit the button while you are moving so those options are out.
It was the game’s AI driving, not a person.
Get over yourself. If I wanted an engine that dates back to the 50s I would have probably bought a truck where I don’t care how unusable the power band is. Wow, that sbc needs forced induction and its still less than 100hp/L and damn, with a 100HP deficit my C63 still manages to outrun a stock 2nd gen CTS-V to 60 and…
I had a 2005 6speed RX8. Bought it at 110k and sold it at 130k with zero breakdowns, and no starting issues. I loved that car, just decided it was time to move on.
Sounds like we have a fanboy.
The HTI has been capable of doing this since launch. Not really anything new.
If it was a first or second gen then no thanks, If its a 3rd then it was twice as much. HP isn’t everything.
I will take my 481HP C63 and the sound it makes over this anyday.
I’m not a huge fan of Parker or vehicle virgins but this seems to have nothing to do with him. He drives alot of peoples cars, He’s not responsible if one of them crashes because they forgot to buy the driver mod.
The only experience I have with the 3rd is playing the whole campaign coop with a friend. It was awesome. Sure, the game was different from the previous ones, but the coop story mode was nearly perfect from a gameplay and experience perspective.
“Michigan has some of the fastest-driving traffic I have ever seen in America” You forgot to add the part about some of the worst roads in the country also.
But... But... I like my 8BB8B88 plate.
I wonder if netflix is involved.
My T1 Touareg is supposed to make this clicking noise artificially. It doesn’t.
I lost it at the “Nobody cares what you THINK. We don’t need opinions here.” when you are appealing a ticket for what is essentially an opinion clearly not based on experience.
I have personally had an 05 Jetta tdi with 220k miles on it and my 05 Touareg has 130k on it. Don’t know about the jetta, but my Touareg has only had regular service done plus the timing belt once. A friend of mine’s parents had a B5 Passat that they bought new and put 270k on it. Original clutch, no major repairs.
My T1 Touareg is a Cayenne with an Audi engine and a VW badge. Vag has been doing this for years and is nothing new. Also the “traditionally high repair and service costs” are not nearly as bad for audi/vw as they are the other german companies because they share so much and are everywhere.
Nice price only if you can do the timing belt yourself easily. It’s due in the immediate future.
I am pretty sure he got his eccentric shaft, rotors and housings from ppre. Very few are more qualified to build a turbo 4 rotor than them.