
I am not an authority on Sprint Cars but can speak from personal experience having raced them. We have had Tony show up to race with us at various tracks over the years and is just another competitor at the track and as long as the masses don't know he is there and mobbing the crap out of his pit area……………for the

For starters, I'm not a Tony Stewart fan. I've watched this tragic video over and over again. I can find no fault with Tony for what happened. Tony was holding his line and the kid ran out in front of the car. Bad judgement on his part. Unlike a lot of commenter's here, I HAVE raced sprint car on dirt tracks for over

You guys might want to make it clear, since there seem to be a ton of mis/uninformed commenters who think they understand sprint cars, exactly what makes them difficult to handle. Maybe post an article with just a little educational material, because the amount of wild speculation coming from people who just have no

Your bias doesn't change reality. Dealer can either report a specific issue to Carfax, or not report it. There is NO WAY for a dealer to manipulate the printed vehicle history report which anybody, whether a consumer or a dealership, buys from Carfax. That's what you claimed above. You're a fucking delusional moron if

This was reported first yesterday, correctly, as a supplier to both GM and VW suppliers. Today, for reasons that can only be assumed, the headline reads as if it's a GM direct supplier. Journalism integrity(and truth, apparently), out the window.

They're also a Tier-2 supplier to VW - which, in Michael B's continual grasp for more clicks - neglected to mention.

We've finally found it, everyone! The douchiest comment in the history of Jalopnik! Nibbles, break out the champagne!

That doesn't mean that lane splitting just became "Infinitely More Dangerous". In fact, it likely didn't change anything. Like I said, the guidelines were mostly full of common sense safety stuff. Good drivers knew/know this stuff and followed it anyway. Bad drivers don't, and even if they for some reason went on the

...but if no one was reading them (which I have to imagine only some motorcylists and almost no drivers were), how does removing this guide mean suddenly lane-splitting went from a safe, sensible activity to suicide? I doubt they'll be any rise in accidents, injuries or death. Shouldn't people just use common sense?

Judging by the first entry, "Travel at a speed that is no more than 10 MPH faster than other traffic," the removal of the guide will reduce the number of motorcyclists that read it from zero to zero.

No, you didn't.

1996 Pontiac Sunfire GT: 0-60 mph in 7.8. Quarter mile in 15.7. Top speed of 105 mph

I'll take my chances driving next to a lifted truck than a Suburban with a soccer mom putting on makeup. Do any of you guys have ANY idea how many accidents are either caused or involved with hugely lifted trucks? I drive throughout the Southwest US over 7,000 miles per month...and I can't remember the last time I

You mean because you didn't and then you dodged my simple questions with a redirect?

You're full of shit is what you are. If you were a practicing buddhist you would reject all earthly pleasures/evils. That includes cars. Pick up the teachings of Siddhartha again, you missed a chapter or five.

This comment is so exaggerated. I don't like those crappy, lowered, fart-can using Honda Civics. They always race past me and have some kind of Spanish guy driving them. They're loud and must have caused tons of accidents! They disturb the peace and blah blah blah.

Sometimes the truth is brutal.

Can I sue BMW because I'm able to punch myself in the face whilst driving my 3 series? Seriously you'd have to do that on purpose to turn the ignition off. Now I'm off to see if I can kick myself in the balls in my Audi TT. I look forward to suing Audi if I can

You mean like... MINI?