
Been listening to much Mitch?

The awful things you would have to endure if you switched to a Land Cruiser. Maybe you could wear gloves so you don’t have to touch those awful switches directly. I would even bet the Avalon switches are better engineered, and more durable.

The LS and the S type shared the same platform, the car had absolutely nothing in common with the MN 12 platform, which was already almost 2 years out of production at the time.

You really think a lot of your glorified Crown Vic.

The Town Car itself is nothing more than a tarted up Crown Vic or Grand Marquis with airsprings on the front suspension.

Derp, try watching the video before you comment, and pay special attention to the part where he clearly states the price of the car in the video.

My best friend has a C6 and every time i get in the car i notice the lever. A lot of companies put the gas door release on the floor, as well as the trunk or rear hatch release so to me it is a logical place to look. I’m so sorry for your lack of intelligence,BTW i was at the gas station the other day and saw some

My stand on the matter is clear. I’m done here Mr.Thickskull.

You’re not intelligent enough to operate a motorized vehicle, leave the driving and operation of these needlessly complex systems to those of us who are mentally capable. And for yourself , a nice single speed bike with a coaster brake should be about your speed, just don’t forget to have mommy check your air pressure

Did you type that Porsche style, with your little dickhead? Mommy is calling you, it seems you forgot to wipe again, but its ok, she will do it for you since you cant do it yourself. It seems they put the instructions for that under the toilet seat, and you cant be troubled to look.

Thanks, did mommy hold your hand while you wrote that?

Perhaps you need an IDIOT tattoo on your forehead or maybe, just maybe you could grow a set .People like you are the reason there are so many frivolous, pointless lawsuits. Thanks for screwing everything up for those of us that don’t need our mommies to hold our hand 24/7.

I doubt it will be too bad 4.5 liters to 5.2 is only 40 cubic inches, but being a track car it might have some very stiff engine mounts which would make a large NVH difference.

Perhaps I care. But thanks for your 2 cents worth Mr.Ard

You’re. I started a sentence with it .

Your completely clueless here. Unless your drifting a fwd vehicle you definitely use the throttle and wheel to get into a drift if you believe otherwise your a moron, or a clueless twit.

My dog does that when you scratch her hips.

Yes, iDrive sucked big balls.

Yep i am done here .

Are you sure your name isn’t JohnnyDUMazz ??