Ford Tempo Fanatic

Was it just me or did the owner have more of a creepy obsession with her than the car? When he talks about her he keeps referring to her as “the playmate” rather than by her name. Somthin’ about him just don’t seem right.

There is no good reason to play electro/house/techno at 7 a.m. Ever. The senses just aren’t ready for it. My neighbor does and it makes me want to shoot him.

The majority of new car buyers want these things. You make up a very small minority.

Typical Subaru drivers = asshat-bro-douches.

Seriously, the Subaru crowd is probably the worst subgroup in automotive culture. Stickerbombed, hellaflush, and flat billed "illest" hats. Who would have guessed Subaru would have a worse stigma than Honda?

Well you gotta hand it to that managed to make it up that hill on its own accord.

Clean Ford Ranger = False Ford Ranger.

GM's new motto- We will kill for more sales.

Trunk. Just had a GMC Terrain rental where we were trying to figure out for about half an hour where the thing was, then we finally looked above us and it's on the damn roof. Really, GM? At least left of the driver, if not on the floor.

Cool hat. I wonder how Bill Murray feels about this new film, What About Bieber? Don't mess with him. He and that hat are on vacation.

I thought about that guy the whole time. If I was an eccentric billionaire, I'd buy it for him and have it shipped to his house in a padded box.

Remember the commenter FordTempoFanatic? (or something like that) He would've loved this.