Ford Tempo Fanatic

@GuardDuck: Heart click for you my friend.

@bacon117: Did-do. All of my Fords have new positive and negative battery terminals and connections. Its just one of those things that you know will cause trouble down the road on two decade old cars. Something else seems to be shorting it out...

@Roberto G.: I, Conor (aka. FTF), know this better than anybody. I love Tempos. But the fact is, unless you provide incredibly detailed and regular maintenance throughout their entire existence... You're in for a hell of a ride.

I grew up in a 1998 Caravan and later a 2001 Caravan. I have fond memories of both, so I don't quite understand the Caravan hate. I would much rather hoon a Caravan than an TrailBlazer or Honda Pilot.

@StuckXJ: And weighs much, much more.

Is it just me or does GM take about two to three times longer to put cars into production than, say, Ford or even Honda? I've been hearing about this shitty Camaro convertible for years and still nobody can buy 'em. By the time it hits the showroom I bet Ford will have an all-new Mustang.

1984 Ford Tempo. Am I doing it right?

@IFTNFS: The biggest train wreck in history occured in 1918 and killed 101 people and injured another 171. The biggest aviation disaster killed over 3,000 and injured over 6,000.

@tonyola: Well there's a street in Ontario called Tempo Rd. A few of the Ford Tempo enthusiasts met up there. I think there were three of them. But they are a very enthusiastic three. So, there's that.

Congrats Middleswine, and might I add (as an actor) that I am all in favor of Clarkson's comments in regards to "behind the scenes" people. You're not the star. You're important, sure, but you're not the star of the show. In my acting endeavors the stand-ins, silent chracters, tech crew, set crew... They don't get to

Gosh I wish we had a competant rail network system in the U.S.

Officially one of my favorite pics.

@TurboBrick [LIGIER]: If anything, by the dawn of the 1990s, the Ford vs. Chevy and Ford vs. Chrysler debates became even more sad.

@a1veedubber: Very true, but in 1984 Ford did not bank on the Tempo as a sporting car. It was strictly a well-rounded modern car, and for that purpose, it served well.

@ZeroOrDie: Extensive modifications had to be made to the engine compartment, mind you. The engine was kinda-sorta inside the interior of the Tempo itself.

@ZeroOrDie: I've seen big block Fords and SHO swaps into Tempos, but never a Duratec.

@TurboBrick [LIGIER]: In Ford's dealer training videos in the 1980s, they oftentimes made jokes about the Chevy Citation. If anything, that says who was the winner in 1985.

@a1veedubber: The TRX-equipped Tempo is not what you should be looking at. It was simply a tires-and-rims package, whereas the X11 was actually somewhat of a sporty-ish car. Try comparing the Citation X11, a car built with Malaise-like quality, to the Ford Tempo GLS. Fully independent suspension, a Mazda MTX-IV 5spd.