Ford Tempo Fanatic

Who would win in a fight to the death? ASIMO or Chrysler Super Roboto?

Occasionally I start thinking that GMC (or GM as a whole) has a future.

This is insanity. This is,!

@Novaload: I didn't even know what a Tempo was until age 13. Which is why my life can be separated into two completely different categories: B.T. and A.T.

A fairly new Ford F-150. Blue. My dad began leasing Ford F-150 trucks after his beat to hell 200k+ I6-equipped manual F-150 finally bit the dust. So I believe I was born about the time (at least in the same year) as that F-150.

@Novaload: Best of all, she also has a Tempo. Match made in heaven?

@punksmurph: Good thing Ford offered all wheel drive on Tempo and Topaz alike between 1987 and 1991. The prototype might very well be an AWD, given the images provided were obviously taken after 1992, yet they used the previous generation Tempo over the current ones.

Tough call between the Ford's 302 small block (which powered everything from F-150 to Mustang) and Chevy's awesome 350.

@Novaload: Murilee is more of a Mercury Topaz enthusiast, I believe.

Woah. I quickly browsed the comments here and nobody has mentioned the ultimate, the great, the titanic-in-nature Ford Tempo.

The GNX has been around for many years. If it couldn't save Buick's rep, nothing can.

@tonyola: Hey now, a standard Ford Tempo in 1989 cost more then the average American annual salary.

@MechE Hokie: The F-150 is much heavier then the Ranger. I know a high output, force-fed four banger sounds right, but realistically.. Even older V8s (*cough* 350 TBI Chevys *cough*) can barely move their 4,400lb+ masters safely at highway speeds. Much less make a good tow truck.

Ford Tempo Fan is saddened by this news.

Has Ratan Tate not heard anything about the booming success that was the Yugo GV?

Ford F-150.

Wasn't Focus at the top of the most traded for list for the entire run of the program, save for the last day or so when Corolla knocked it off. Then, un-coincidentally, the program ended. I see what ya' did thar.