
You guys are nothing if predictable. Point out the condescending and hypocritical nature of this article and out comes the cries of privilege, patriarchy, MRA, troll, etc

Thanks for the womensplaining on a mens issue. We really appreciate your oh so valuable input.

Feminists have daddy issues? color me surprised

he also raped and killed a girl in 1990

Seriously, just how much do you have to lie to yourself just to seem progressive?

haha oh wow, you people are insane.

So any study you don't like is idiotic, but the one's that don't hurt your feelings are totally fine?

Well after Sony's showing, there's no chance. They're gonna be banking that all those media features get them through.

Don mattrick

Is it me or did almost EVERY game shown today have a terrible framerate?

"How many times are we going to have to argue that victims of sexual assault do not invite their own rapes by consuming alcoholic beverages? How many times will be have to be dumbfounded by the clearly misogynistic logic that "getting too drunk" = "an open invitation to be raped or harassed"

Xenophobic much? why can't you appreciate other cultures?

With a social justice tie in for those extra clicks, no less

You know what they say, 15 gets you 20.

Marcus beer was totally right in calling you out. It's like you can't help yourself.

This is jezebel after all. Careful about looking at the jezebel gals the wrong way at the gawker offices or you might be next.

I wish my job was watching cartoons all day and finding something stupid to write about them. I've got a great idea for a piece about how Tom and Jerry represents the struggles of the working class.

Guess this site is going with the kotaku method of success now.

This is why this site is a joke to the rest of the internet and nobody takes feminism seriously.