
What if I called a feminist convention "Worlds largest collection of bad drivers"? I bet you guys would find that fucking hilarious.

More like "your liberal arts bachelors degree never was special".

Man, since when has personal responsibility completely gone out the window? Merely pointing out that the situation could have been easily avoided does NOT eliminate any blame placed on the culprit.

remember, by clicking that link you are financially supporting the exploited sex industry and buying sex. you better go tell your significant other about the terrible thing you're about to do as well.

Now playing

As far as I'm concerned this is the only 9/11 tribute we need.

because those poor, poor pregnant women can't go on roller coasters. or something.

"not every single man uses porn or buys sex in other forms."

"However, it's important to recognize that these women did not wake up one morning and think, hmmm I have all the choices in the world so I choose to be a sex worker! Nobody has total control, free will occurs within a set of circumstances. "

Are you suggesting there MUST be a specific circumstance that causes a woman to become a sex worker? That it cannot come from her own will?

Yes, I understand there are exceptions. But what do you have to say to the thousands of women who voluntarily choose to become strippers?

Oh those poor women - getting payed to do what they voluntarily agreed to do.

I get some rank swamp ass if i sit too long

"A number of factors — mental illness and subsequent contact with the assailant among them — can make a jury unsympathetic to a victim"

Because some of us are douchebags.

How does it feel to be responsible for explaining the actions of ALL men regardless of background, personality, upbringing, etc.?

Do you remember gawker? Not the guys who let your gawker account get hacked, or the ones who loved their page views and awful redesign more than their readers. The gawker you grew up with, who made the posts you couldn't live without. I hope you don't. Because it's never coming back.

Sounds like a great excuse to be fat.

It would be in Williamsburg.

Now playing

Remember guys, it’s not screaming. It’s deep nihilistic art that contemplates transcendent values by focusing on decidedly anti-humanist themes, communicated through raw yet intricate neoclassical compositions. Just listen.