

It always kind of bugged me that my parents gave me an overly ethnic name to the point where i have to repeat it a few times when a person asks me for my name, but i'm glad they didn't pull something like this.

And here i thought woman wanted EQUALITY. guess not.

Well, I'm convinced. I even stopped half way through the video because i want to experience it for myself.

I believe you've mistaken sunni law for Wahabi law, which is the ass backwards interpretation of Islam in Saudi.


Best selling game of 2011? Probably.

"most fat people could lose weight and keep it off "if they really wanted to""

"My wife for hire"

If stigma is not an effective motivator, nothing is.

I'll say.

cool title guys, you got me

flatlined indeed.

Man, i love the halo soundtrack. The games aren't half bad either.

Weird. Didn't something similar happen to an editor over at destructoid?

He doesn't believe you because that is straight up impossible. Your body cannot produce fat from nothing- it's all calories in/calories out.

It never ceases to amaze me how well this site can take offense from well, ANYTHING.

oh kotaku