
Trump alone has five children with three different women. Imagine for a second if Obama had that hanging over his head.

I’ll take the low road. A headline that said he was found dead after a neighbor reported the smell wouldn’t cause me any stress.

No one’s as irrationally confident in their looks as fat white dudes. Like, they’re always the loudest critics of other people’s looks, particularly women’s.

Sen. McCaskell’s concern trolling is giving me LIFE!

Welp, I am going to be the one to bring up subsidized childcare. A friend of mine just lost her husband’s income after his death. She absolutely has to keep on working but she has no one to take care of her kids. She went to the welfare department and filled out the paperwork for assistance so that she can keep on

OMG stop it. While I do not miss the toddler years AT ALL kids are so freaking cute at this age.

thank god that under Herr Trump all of your poor ugly children will be sent to the labor dungeons to provide care for all of the beautiful rich children, and dungeon gruel is super-cheap

Everyone I know who isn’t being driven broke by childcare lives near their relatives who are willing to take on having the kids while the parents work. If you don’t have retired, helpful parents, you’re screwed. Even if you have friends who are willing to help (and there are!), they also have jobs and can’t take on

Don’t have kids. Problem solved. Just don’t ask us to subsidize birth control, you slut.

The G.O.P.

I keep thinking to myself, “oh, there’s no way that people can display any worse behavior than what has already been displayed in this election cycle. Nothing shocks me anymore. We have reached peak Asshole Behavior.”

He Who Shall Not Be Named has made them bold! There’s no shutting this down in our lifetime. Progress in this country is two steps forward, one step back and this right here, is a step back, the backlash to the incredible leap forward that was Obama.

So this asshole is studying for a career in Law Enforcement?

If it weren’t so early, I’d say there were MRAs everywhere furiously beating off to this story.

“Fuck Portlandia! Transmisogyny – Racism – Gentrification – Queer Antagonism – Devaluation of Feminist Discourse.”

Oh my GAWD !!!

1- chateau thelma- FUCKING DEAD

Same, and I still cry about it now and then. I follow the FB blog What Would Daniel Do, written by his uncle (Daniel died at Sandy Hook). It’s a wonderful honor of his memory, but sometimes it makes me sad, too.  I recently read a lot more about the incident with a lot of detail (should not have) and was upset for

It’s actually a procedure that transforms your vagina into a laser, which can then wreak havoc on your ex-boyfriends and any perv that looks sideways at you on the subway.

I will be there for Sheree all day every day. Not excited about Kenya but Kandi bringing the drama will be good too. Chateau Sheree though!!!