I say Putin and Trump get into a fight over whose tits are bigger and we get nuked.
I say Putin and Trump get into a fight over whose tits are bigger and we get nuked.
China. Who will then call in our debt and cause the country to collapse and then maybe America will start to feel bad over what they did.
That’s a fucking stupid answer on so many levels, but notably in terms of environmental destruction: that fucks the rest of the world, too. (As do like, half of Drumpf's policies, but as this is an article on the environmental side, I'm rolling with that.)
And that is the “genius” of Trump. By constantly projecting his worse qualities onto everyone else, especially HRC, when someone pins his ass to the wall as the Washington Post and NYT have done several times, the right says HRC is just as bad and the media covers it as both have been subject of numerous allegations.
If there was any justice in the world, Trump’s shamelessness in running for office would directly lead to criminal charges as a result of more thorough examination of his dealings.
If i can get the American Immigration and vetting offices to test whether or not i’m about to be roofied for 18 months, i’ll take 10 out of 10 drinks.
Isn’t Pitt too young for that to be him, though? I feel like he wasn’t a big enough star in the Eighties.
Makes sense, she can’t stay with someone for too long. Otherwise they start asking questions about how she never ages and needs permission to enter people’s homes.
So, I agree this analogy has flaws. However, I’ve seen this exact same analogy used on this exact site by commentors when #notallmen was a big point of discussion. Only then it was “Yeah, not all men are going to sexually assault me. But, if I have a bowl/plate of Skittles/M&Ms/cookies and I know some are going to…
I’m also a millenial and while the millenials may not be voting for Trump, they’re breaking third party instead of for Hillary. It’s an important voting bloc for the Democrats and it behooves us not to ignore this reality.
The problem is that the previously agreed upon rules of sanity and decency don’t apply to Trump.
Clearly they do not enjoy tasting the rainbow.
Trayvon Martin is maybe the only person whose hunger for skittles killed him... And even then it was a right wing nut job who turned out to be the real killer.
I got the rape/death threat combo. I deducted points for not calling me a whore first and/or adding any combination of stupid or “retarded” in his disjointed and misspelled bullshit.
Tried to explain the utter stupidity of this analogy to area Deplorables on Facebook, got a death threat. That really says it all.
Honestly, I used what I read most often on this site. I’d be more than happy to change that if I misspoke. Definitely not my intention, and I apologize if I fucked that up.
What the fuck? I am honeslty blown away by any person who doesn’t see this as a huge issue. He had his goddamn hands up! I live in an area with next to no diversity, but spent some time in the military where I was able to meet amazing people from all over the U.S. Two of the friends I made have sons who are toddlers,…
Could Canada please just come get Bieber once and for all? I’m tired of hearing about this little do-nothing shit.
Fuck Nick Cannon!