
I believe that sex offender registration and punishment is flawed, there are many people who are screwed over for life based on a technicality (like the 19 year old who met up with a 14 year old for sex, and he was punished even though she said she was 17, and she was on a dating site or app she was really too young

Yeah, I really think that it goes against common sense that it would be easier to rehabilitate a pedophile than say, a drug dealer or a robber. Not that we should just give up on rehabilitating pedophiles, but to say they reoffend less when their behavior stems from a sexual compulsion?

No they are. This person just doesn’t like that it’s not obvious in the first few episodes. The writers are clear about it ad if you watch reglary it’s hard to come to any other conclusion.

I guess it depends on how you look at it. He seems like the more likale character here she seems awful on purpose but to me it’s because the whole show including this scene is supposed to be about how people aren’t truly awful or truly great jst some mixture of the two.

Wrong. They are and always have been totally in on it, and known what a clueless character Hannah is. If you ever watch behind-the-scenes commentary with Dunham, she clearly states this, multiple times.

Literally no one was even suggesting that Weiner had any sexual desire for his son, and it’s SUPER creepy that you think that’s what people are suggesting? I say this without snark: that’s not a normal conclusion for you to assume people are jumping to.

And they also executed people in the town square and brought kids to watch. Times have changed. We keep our sex lives seperate from our kids now. Adapt, or build a time machine

If you send a sext with your kid in it, you’re making that kid an unwilling participant in your sex life. While I agree that CPS probably has better things to do/bigger fish to fry, I don’t agree that what he did wasn’t wrong to begin with.

Lol, weren’t you on the Jared Fogle thread claiming what he did wasn’t really a huge deal? We get it, you like defending people accused of sexual acts around kids. Don’t act surprised if most people don’t want you within 50 feet of their children, bub.

Eh, yeah I hear you, the child wasn’t the sexual object in the exchange. BUT, in the non-one-room civilization to which we aspire, boundaries between your boner and your 5-year-old are expected. I’d be absolutely horrified if I were Huma and my idiot husband sexted with my kid in the room. It’s no crime in and of

I don’t think people see it as incestuous; it’s transgressive IN THIS CULTURE to act out sexually in front of your kids, even if your kids aren’t participants.

“cut that off” :o)

I don’t think anyone is construing it that way. The issue is that his compulsion may interfere with his judgment and he may be allowing his child to witness adult sexual behavior, which is no longer considered appropriate, especially when it is not necessary. A normal person would have cut that off when their kid

Well, BIVYg, feel free to contact ACS to tell them that your thorough and professional investigation of pictures featuring a sexually aroused man with a child has cleared Weiner of any wrongdoing. I’m sure they’ll appreciate you helping with their caseload like that.

Eh, they thought he was awful but not awful enough to do anything about it, not awful enough to say, no you don’t get to continue your career trajectory, and apparently some were just awful enough that they were in on it with him. Note, the stories where he said they had to have sex with him and whoever he says

Dennis Hastert, rapist.

Paul LePage, Maine governor, for being totally vile and seemingly impossible to get rid off.

Too many kids on welfare these days. The internet has destroyed the newspaper delivery industry that used to employ so many 10-15 year olds. We need to deregulate coal mining and manufacturing jobs to get these kids back to work and close the child welfare agency for good.

“One of them came back down after a meeting, and the makeup on her nose and chin was gone.”

My mom was a secretary at the Mike Douglas show when Ailes was there. It was Mad Men on steroids. Grabby gropers 24/7. My mom was cute but married so wasn’t subjected to it as much although she once had to shove and run after an old timey comedian guest trapped her on the stairs. Mike Douglas was a prince, though, and