
When do we get to see Trump’s college transcripts?

He will get his mommy after all of you! (Actually, can I vote for his mom?)

I cannot figure out Skinny Girl’s success. I have never seen it stocked in a bar and have never ever seen anyone buying it in the liquor store or consume it. And I spend plenty of time with drunk people. Could it be one of those brands that is geared to underage drinkers with a wink and a nudge? I cannot imagine a

I have been commenting since we had to audition to comment, and was never un-grayed in Kinja. Still gray today. Not that I’m bitter.

Sonja won the season for sure, but I miss sloppy “I party with Jon-Jon and Madonna ALL THE TIME” Sonja sometimes.

Even if she was doing that, what’s it to this Milo person? Is he the hurt feelings police?

I assume Lu gets alimony from the Count. Is Tom worth giving that up? Didn’t one of them bring up the fact that Tom is not actually rich, and just pals around with rich people?

Lu was better as a Friend of the Housewives when we didn’t have to dig too deep with her.

Yah, I did not know about that until after I posted, and now I regret it. Fuck him. But Shannon enjoys torturing him, so fuck her too.

I KNOW! I did not see that until after I posted this comment and am beating myself up over it.

I have no more sympathy for him after reading that link. Disregard all other of my comments on it under this post, plz.

It’s 2016. How do you know the original poster is a man?

Shit! I have wasted sympathy on him!

Shit. Sorry. That was literally the first paragraph of this post, which I was so excited to comment on that I did not read before commenting. My bad.

I fast forwarded through all of Shannon’s scenes last season. And if she does another on-camera enema, I’ll start doing it again.

I still feel bad for David. So wrong of him to cheat, but Shannon neutered him. She is a neurotic nag. Imagine how free the affair must have made him feel. And then he wimped out and took his medicine when he should have peaced out on the whole thing.

#3 SO HARD. Shut up, Meghan!

Vow renewal is the kiss of death to Housewives marriages.

Where is OUR Theil? Who can take Fox News down?