
I believe there is some truth to that, but that isn’t the full picture. My children know about Fred Roger’s because we’ve shown them Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood, and taken them to his neighborhood in Idlewild Park.

I do think someone could do the same things, in the same vein, but with a new style and twist. Even some

I’m sitting here having my morning breakfast when I almost choke and die from the hilarity of this Dr. Seuss remake. Fantastic!

An old friend of mine told me about this film after he heard about it through the grapevine. During our conversation, a fellow peer walked in. He overheard the conversation and decided he should download and watch it. He came the next day and said, “I don’t understand why you guys thought that movie was so bad.”

The more I read about this the dumber I get. I hate baseball, love everything else, but literally despise the sport ... for the most part. I never knew what those necklaces were for. Now I do, and I thank you for allowing me to hate it even more.

Definitely a nice little video on proper grip and variations for the deadlift. Since I started lifting again, 2 years ago now, and incorporated more power movements (Squat, Deadlift, Overhead Press) technique is of the utmost importance.

Yep, just tried to find some sweet travel deals and it responded with ... “DENIED”.

Patrick, have you read any of Peter Clines Ex-Heroes series? Check it out if you haven’t, it’s definitely a great read, well 5 reads :)

Interesting article, although I can’t agree with all of your points. I haven’t had nearly any of the issues you’ve ran into.

Sure, it is a Netflix/TV controller/DVD/Blu-Ray Player but also my 3 year old son and 8 year old daughter game quite a bit. Do I get the time with it that I’d like, no, but then again watching

Those were my same exact results. Interesting. We should probably be friends. Nice to meet you.

I was 100% more intelligent than the population, not to brag.

Although they reference Superman, the DC-Verse has said the actual actors/actresses will not crossover to the movies. These two worlds (Movie / TV) are considered separate so I think there’s a greater chance of them actually cross-pollinating with the CW shows due to this.

I use my jawbone for work and love it. That little speaker blows away any built-in laptop speakers or cheap ass logitech I've used. Another music geek I work with was like man that bass thumps on that lil guy. For the price, it's probably a little expensive but the convenience and sound is nice.

Vote: Sparkpeople

I've owned just about every cartridge razor possible and none of them and I mean know of them compare to a TRUE safety razor. I currently use the Merkur 38c and shaving is actually enjoyable. Not only do I not mind shaving but I also feel a lot better afterwards. With disposable cartridges my neck always got razor

I already told my wife the following.... I want to be buried in a t-shirt and since they cover up your legs, just underwear. That's how I sleep, sometimes no t-shirt but for the funeral, what the hey. Also, when I'm going out of the church and in the ground Norman Greenbaum's "Spirit in the Sky" will be played. is another great website for newbs and veterans alike, especially for the home project studio. I find the guys on this site to be more forgiving and welcoming than Although I am a GearSlutz poster and follower sometimes you can get some cranky users.

Yea WASD has some great products. A friend of mine at work is a mechanical keyboard NUT. He turned me on to WASD and let me check out the sample keys before I made any choices. I went with the blue cherry mx switches on a Rosewill model since I'm cheap :)

For those who don't want to jump in to the mechanical keyboard switches via trial by error you should check out WASDs sampler kit -…. Definitely a cool little kit that lets you hear and feel the response of the different switch types. Probably worth the 12$ if you are

I understand not bringing this type of access to the iOS is a business ploy but lets not start the Microsoft vs The World browser wars on the mobile market.

I'd like to know this as well. Are we talking about a small latte or tall in Starbuck speak? Even at that, man 2$ is a sweet price for a tasty latte.