
That would be true if not for the fact google doesn't exactly treat anyone as a valued customer. Advertisers are screwed over quite often by many things and google doesn't so much as blink an eye.

Nope. You're wrong. A lot of the larger youtube groups like Polaris and Machinima pay youtube directly. (They get the ad revenue directly instead of Youtube. This is why the large partners can choose what adverts to show on their channel.)

Precautions are fine.

If CK2 is anything to go by we can fully expect DLC packs that add to various regions of the world. I foresee Japan, China, The Steppe Hordes, Africa and maybe Eastern Europe/Muslims.

Yes, it's clunky. And lifeless. And just less fun than Crusader Kings II. But whatever. Paradox's big 2013 Grand Strategy experience was grand all right, giving you a strategic experience so daunting and unparalleled in size that 100 hours later I'm still not 100% sure how to play it. That's a continuing problem with

Note to self: I doubt I'll play games with someone who doesn't share the same taste in games as me.

Lots of countries are actually moving towards more censorship. Mostly commonwealth ones.

It would still be the end of his political career.

The only case Obama couldn't pardon someone is if it was an official of the government.

exceptional mental gymnastics

That won't happen in the USA where laws are made by the lobby group with the most money, sadly. It'll be biased one way or the other.

They are paying youtube for a service. The larger networks get the ad revenue paid to them and youtube acts as a means to an ends.

Just once I wish youtube would go back on a decision they have made. Just once. They are never good decisions.

Loss of profit? That's kinda a big one.

You aren't wrong. The large networks such as Polaris and Machinima are considering just that. (They also recently set up their own websites that don't use youtube as a way of competing with youtube.)

The Chinese are not exactly forth-coming with details on their nuclear power. The estimates so far were based upon foreign-bought resources and suchlike... Which China doesn't exactly need. It is entirely possible and, as some American Generals have said, quite likely that the Chinese have their own production methods

The moment a single soldier landed in either the US or China it would go nuclear, chemical and biological. This is pretty much a well-known fact.

China is also fairly secretive when it comes to their military. If you honestly believe that the number of warheads they claim to have is what they have then I don't know what to say.

You're right. MAD is the reason this is limited to a geopolitical storm. I agree wholeheartedly with everything you have posted, haha.

Portraying either China or the USA involved in standard warfare with each other is not realistic.