I like gamebryo. It's so fucking easy to mod.
I like gamebryo. It's so fucking easy to mod.
I was tired of it when this video was linked to me.
I don't get your comment. The a isn't ah to fit amplification because there is an e after the s. I have no idea why emission would be ee, either.
Wobbuffet is OP, though.
I'm sure he can put up with the money you are giving him.
Aye. It bugged me a bit as well. But I had read the books for the ME series and I knew that such dreams were a sign of indoctrination.
As unlikely as it may be I always found Grom's death in WC3 quite saddening. I haven't ever broken down due to a game but I had quite a few tears in my eyes at the end of that cinematic.
Wait. That actually had an effect on someone?
It's illegal in Lebanon! Clearly this artist has influenced the world.
The taxes were more a requirement to deal with the crisis that was brought on by Americans. It didn't cause the crisis. And from what I have seen the entire rung of Italian politicians - Berlusconi included, - are corrupt and self-serving. (As most politicians are around the world.)
I was never suggesting the lasers would damage it.
Nah, your English was good. I'm glad you understand me and didn't jump on me as many others have.
Go look at my other comments. I know about the laws in place that limit what can be done with places that are sold off and advertised on. It's the fact that these places are allowed to get into such states of disrepair in the first place that shows a disregard for them. Vandalism, for example, is rife.
Oh, aye. The lights around it. The projectors probably do involve lasers. That was my bad, I guess, to not understand what the guy meant!
Oh, I know that they can't do whatever they want with them. I just find it sad that the country is relegated to selling them off because of aforementioned vandalism and lack of restoration.
Sure, Italy has several monuments. But so do many other countries. Even less affluent ones. In some such places it's a community effort to renovate and repair monuments every few years.
Ah. That's a protective mesh? I didn't know that. I guess that is a misunderstanding on my part.
I was commenting on the state of Italy's monuments in general. It's saddening that many are being sold to the highest bidder for whatever purposes and those that aren't sold are falling into states of disrepair.
Aye, I know that. But Italy is hardly alone in having loads of monuments. Other nations tend to treasure them more, however.
Yes, I have. Go read my other comments. As Calintzowen says this isn't even the worst part. There are buildings in states of disrepair, etc. If you don't find it sad that a country that was once prosperous is now relegated to selling its buildings off like this then I doubt you can empathise with me. Hell; The fact…