I'm not worried about the building. I am just commenting on the disregard for their culture and history. It's endemic across Italy.
I'm not worried about the building. I am just commenting on the disregard for their culture and history. It's endemic across Italy.
I am not.
Aye. And that saddens me, as I said. Most places around the world wouldn't consider selling such buildings. The Italians took to it with gusto, last I checked.
Italy, as a country, makes me quite sad. They seem to have such total disregard for their monuments at times.
I get it all the time. Little Americanisms and quirks that I just don't understand. It's doubly true of the South.
Dark Souls would be pointless without the boss fights.
That was my first thought when I saw her! She looks like she would fit the part of Diana perfectly.
Hah. Wish I lived wherever you do when I was younger. I used to be a very good fencer but where I come from that's about all there was.
I know that. I'm saying the article is on about install times; not streaming a game whilst it's downloading/installing.
Total War 2 was installed in that sorta time. I was quite impressed.
Not tried AC4 but Rome 2 is about 18GB and it took me around that amount of time to install.
This isn't looking at downloads. It's looking at pure install times.
What do you mean "You people"?
You install steam OS instead of Windows. :p Or you add steam OS.
But the money you are given can be put into a bank and then used online. :p You might even get interest on that money! That's added value, haha.
I don't understand gift cards. Why not just give them money?
Aye. But we don't remember the others, do we? :D
The problem with Christianity is that half of it was stolen/assimilated from old pantheons. Zeus = Jehovah. There is already a god that transforms into a variety of animals. They already have a god that cycles through a variety of effects. Etc.
They already have Ares and Thanatos. (War and Death.) Conquest is pretty ambiguous... Famine is totally one they could have, though.