It's pretty great. Except for ARAM. :p
It's pretty great. Except for ARAM. :p
Would be too OP with Bacchus, the god of Wine.
You're right; they don't explain that. I'm quite lucky in that I pick up controls in a matter of moments so I never really had that problem but I can see how you would feel it did a poor job of explaining things.
I found the building far more intuitive than similar games. (Minecraft in particular.)
Wouldn't accommodate me.
3+0/1=3= Half Life 3 confirmed.
Not agreeing with some of the major philosophical elements of Star Trek is fairly common, however. The society portrayed is idealistic to the nth degree in how it deals with everything from gender and sex to war and economy. To make matters worse, not many people like to portray such things in an overt manner and…
For a very long time parts of Scotland were under control by the Norse. Aberdeen was, for example, closer to Oslo than it was to London and that influence rubs off.
Alright. In retrospect I was disappointed in humanity after another guy tried to troll me and that probably caused the quip you made of saying you need my sign-off cause me to think less of you like that other troll.
I don't see why I would be. I asked in a civil manner that you remain relevant and you get uppity and childish so I treat you uppity and childish. You are a shit-tier troll and I pity you. :D
I didn't realise 4 posts in counts as immediately.
Wrong. You forgot the first question that comes before those: Can you fuck it?
Nawh. Don't give yourself too much credit. You aren't intelligent enough to provoke any emotion in me other than pity. Well... Pity and a general dislike of the fact people like you are wasting so much air.
If you think that was an order then you're even more of a fuckwit than I first thought.
I know they say laughter is the best medicine but you really should go get some insulin. You hippie types and your 'alternatives' always confuse me. If it's alternative medicine that works it's called medicine.
I always pitied you. You're so mad and salty over someone pointing out your lack of basic knowledge. You should relax some more. Starting to get worried for your health! Have you asked a doctor if you have diabetes? That can cause anger issues.
My PC is getting a bit dusty. Gonna need to clean it soon. It's been around 3 months since I last dusted it.
I'm not even trolling and you're mad. Superimposing your own sensitivity onto me much? :3 How cute.
You call that a lot of words? You really are an illiterate buffoon. At least I had a reason for my grammar being poor. You have none and you still manage it.