She wouldn't get just that. She gets that anyway.
She wouldn't get just that. She gets that anyway.
And? Who are you to deny her the right to refer to herself as what she feels like inside?
This. So much this. It's when a trope is noticeable as a mechanic in some story that it becomes bad - be it from overuse of that trope or simply not fitting in with the theme.
I like tropes.
As I said to the other person, I am talking about SOE's record not being too great.
Tera's combat is still pretty shit. Especially as a Mystic. :x Do you know how dull leveling as a mystic is? very.
Aye but I'm talking more about how SOE have done MMOs for consoles previously. DCUO is crippled to the point that nobody talks due to their lazy implementation of the chat system. It's made worse by the fact they have one server for each region. (No designated RP server.)
They say that but I'd rather like to know how.
Uh. Isn't Everquest kept alive by RPers and suchlike nowadays? Would Everquest next just abandon them or something? Looking at DCUO I can't imagine it being very good for RP if it is also for console.
I thought it was quite clear how close you are to the end.
Hm. You might have a point about it being a denigrating term due to its usage in porn but I feel that would be more valid for Futa than anything else as that term has the added connotations of being purely fantastical... And setting up a standard most people can never truly attain.
I always preferred it solo
I have met a few trans-women in my lifetime and I must say that the only ones I have seen who are offended by the term (that I have discussed such things with, at least,) were in the USA.
That's mostly due to the law. Overcrowding regulations are quite big in the UK and whilst hotels are somewhat sketchy in that regard it's best not to face the massive fines that could be slapped on you suddenly.
In the UK the gaming components of a PC that is better than an X1 or PS4 costs around £400-500. A X1 costs £450 and PS3 slightly less than £400.
(Psst. Dunno if you realise but gaming PCs cost as much as gaming consoles nowadays. Especially in countries that aren't the US.)
That's not the full range of uses for an AM rifle. There are other bits of hardware it is used on than a tank. Tanks aren't even the most common.
That would be perfect. :D
Naw. Metal pans would be pretty terrible. You're looking for something that has a high degree of elasticity. Want to remove as much force as you can from the bullets. Metal isn't very elastic.