Well, yeah. That's like saying that an Audi A3 is representative of all cars. Or that erotic games are representative of all games. It's a dumbass statement. Erotic games are a type of game but it isn't the be-all-end-all of games, now, is it?
Well, yeah. That's like saying that an Audi A3 is representative of all cars. Or that erotic games are representative of all games. It's a dumbass statement. Erotic games are a type of game but it isn't the be-all-end-all of games, now, is it?
Y'see, you prove your lack of any knowledge by saying that I 'support' failed economic theories when economics is the practice of analyzing distribution, consumption and production of goods. It isn't about theories. That's a sub-branch of economics that goes into the what-ifs and prediction models.
Generally most things make pretty shit bullet shields. If you need one then use a huge book. Or several. Or several huge books tied in front of a large concave plastic sheet.
People who don't understand economics make the kind of comment you see above.
He gets more money from the video he makes than what he spent destroying it.
A) He makes money from people who are curious and find such things quite intrinsically beautiful or interesting.
Yes. The added value of a buggier game without the day one patch! :D
It wasn't as bad as this. Now it's entirely broken. You can't even use it.
And? When I start up my car I want to get going. I don't really care about the life of the car as my time is worth more than the cost.
Most PCs I know of don't have knees. Most of them, anyway.
You missed my point. People will be targeted for anything. We are all targets, eventually, of some troll. It's a part of the freedom of the internet and I would much rather have that freedom than have ridiculous moderation. But I'm not one to let words get to me and hurt me.
Both of those are not defined as hurtful comments but as lies about you that could damage your reputation.
No, there are.
As I said, that is why you goad them into attacking you. That's what my friend did. It doesn't come across on the camera as they start the attack.
That's why you take a camera. As I said, there are ways and then there are ways.
Aye. In my experience the British opinion of psychological injury is what influenced this. Stiff upper lip and all that.
Psychological terror is hard to prove.
Harm generally means physical injury. Speech doesn't cause physical injury. Most definitions of victim include either they be a passive party or receive physical injury.
It's not bullying when you start the attack on the status quo.